This permanent collection of non-circulating books and print material supports research on Appalachia. It consists of more than 14,000 volumes that include contemporary and out-of-print works, with an emphasis on regional history, social reform, economic development, and folklife. Works on the environment, politics, religion, and literature are also included. These materials can be found through the Sherrod Library catalog but accessed only in the Archives' Reading Room.
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Billings, Dwight B. Confronting Appalachian stereotypes: back talk from an American region. F210.C66 1999
Billings, Dwight B. The road to poverty: the making of wealth and hardship in Appalachia. HC107.A127 B55 2000
Caudill, Harry M. My land is dying . 1971. TN291.C37
Duncan, Cynthia M. World's apart: why poverty persists in rural America. HC110.P6 D86 1999.
Drumright, William. The Appalachia in their minds: the Highlander Research and Education Center and the Congress of Appalachian Development, 1962-1982 . LC5301.M65 D78 1996
Eller, Ronald D. Uneven ground: Appalachia since 1945. HN79.A127 E55 2008
Fisher, Stephen L. Fighting back in Appalachia: traditions of resistance and change . 1993. HN79.A127 F54
Gaventa, John. Power and powerlessness: quiescence and rebellion in an Appalachian valley. 1980. HC107.A127 G38
Gaventa, John. Communities in economic crisis . HC107.A127 C65 1990
Glen, John M. Highlander, no ordinary school, 1932-1962. 1988. LC5301.M65 G55
Glenn, Max E. Appalachia in transition . 1970. HN79.A13 G56
Hinsdale, Mary Ann, Helen Lewis, and S. Maxine Waller . It comes from the people: community development and local theology. HN79.V83 C645 1995
Horton Aimee Isgrig. The Highlander Folk School: a history of its major programs, 1932-1961 . 1989. LC5301.M65 H67
Horton, Myles. The long haul: an autobiography . 1990 LC5301. M65
Keefe, Susan E. Participatory development in Appalachia: cultural identity, community, and sustainability. HN49.C6.P3684 2009.
Kiffmeyer, Thomas. Reformers to radicals: the Appalachian Volunteers and the war on poverty. HN79.A127 K45 2008
Lewis, Helen M., and Monica Appleby. Mountain sisters: from convent to community in Appalachia. BV4420.L48 2003
Montrie, Chad. To save the land and people: a history of opposition to surface coal mining in Appalachia. TD195.S75 M56 2003
Taylor, A. Elizabeth. The woman suffrage movement in Tennessee . 1978. JK1911.T2 T36
Weinbaum, Eve S. To move a mountain: fighting the global economy in Appalachia. HD5708.55.U62 A558 2004.
Whisnant, David E. Modernizing the mountaineer: people, power, and planning in Appalachia. 1981. HC107.A127 W48
Abbott, Lynn, and Doug. Seroff. Ragged but Right: Black Traveling Shows, "Coon Songs," and the Dark Pathway to Blues and Jazz. University Press of Mississippi, 2007. ML 3479 .A23 2007
Bowman, James Cloyd. John Henry, the Rambling Black Ulysses. A. Whitman & Company, 1942. PS461.J6 B6 1942
Brown, Karida. Gone Home: Race and Roots through Appalachia. The University of North Carolina Press, 2018.E185.93.K3 B76 2018
Cansler, Charles W. Three Generations: the Story of a Colored Family of Eastern Tennessee. Priv. Print. [Kingsport Press, Inc.,], 1939.E185.97 .C256
Clark, Amy (Amy, and Nancy M. Hayward.) Talking Appalachian: Voice, Identity, and Community. University Press of Kentucky, 2013.PE2970.A6 T35 2013
Courlander, Harold. Negro Folk Music, U.S.A. Columbia University Press, 1970. ML3556 .C68 1970
De Leeuw Adè€le, and Gordon. Laite. John Henry: Steel-Drivin' Man. Garrard Pub. Co., 1966. PZ8.1.D37 Jo 1966
Deutsch, Stephanie. You Need a Schoolhouse: Booker T. Washington, Julius Rosenwald, and the Building of Schools for the Segregated South. Northwestern University Press, 2011.LC2802.S9 D48 2011
Epstein, Dena J. Sinful Tunes and Spirituals: Black Folk Music to the Civil War. University of Illinois Press, 1981.ML3556 .E8 1981
Ford, Lyn. Affrilachian Tales: Folktales from the African-American Appalachian Tradition. Parkhurst Brothers, Inc., Publishers, 2012.GR111.A47 F67 2012
Frederickson, Mary E. Looking South: Race, Gender, and the Transformation of Labor from Reconstruction to Globalization. University Press of Florida, 2011.HD5725.S85 F74 2011
Hahn, Steven. Land and Labor, 1865. University of North Carolina Press, 2008. E185.2 .F88 ser. 3, vol. 1
Jamison, Phil. Hoedowns, Reels, and Frolics: Roots and Branches of Southern Appalachian Dance. University of Illinois Press, 2015.GV1624.A7 J36 2015
Jones, Nancy Bondurant. An African American Community of Hope: Zenda: 1869-1930. Long's Chapel Preservation Society, 2007. E185.93.V8 J668 2007
Justus, May, and Joan Balfour Payne. A New Home for Billy. Hastings House, 1966.PZ7.J986 Ni 1966
Mccray, Carrie Allen. Freedom's Child: The Life of a Confederate General's Black Daughter. Algonquin Books, 1998.E185.97.A36 M38 1998
Noyalas, Jonathan A., et al. Slavery and Freedom in the Shenandoah Valley during the Civil War Era. University Press of Florida, 2021.E185.93.V8 N69 2021
Odum, Howard Washington, and Guy Benton Johnson. The Negro and His Songs; a Study of Typical Negro Songs in the South. Negro Universities Press, 1968.ML3556 .O3 1968
Pollitt, Phoebe. African American and Cherokee Nurses in Appalachia: a history, 1900-1965. McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, 2016.RT83.5 .P65 2016
Reed, Teresa L. The Holy Profane: Religion in Black Popular Music. The University Press of Kentucky, 2003.ML3479 .R42 2003
Russell, Tony., and Paul Oliver. Blacks, Whites and Blues. Studio Vista, 1970. ML3561.J3 R85 1970b
Smith, Gerald L., et al. The Kentucky African American Encyclopedia. University Press of Kentucky, 2015. E185.93.K3 K46 2015
Smith, Larry R., and Charles Dodd White. Appalachia Now: Short Stories of Contemporary Appalachia. Bottom Dog Press, 2015.PS554 .A655 2015
Spriggs, Bianca Lynne, et al. Black Bone: 25 Years of the Affrilachian Poets. University Press of Kentucky, 2018.PS591.N4 B475 2018
Thorp, Daniel B. Facing Freedom: an African American Community in Virginia from Reconstruction to Jim Crow. University of Virginia Press, 2019. F232.M7 T47 2019
Trotter, Joe William. African American Workers and the Appalachian Coal Industry. West Virginia University Press, 2022.HD8039.M62 U67 2022
Turner, William Hobart. The Harlan Renaissance: Stories of Black Life in Appalachian Coal Towns. West Virginia University Press, 2021. E185.912 .T87 2021
Walker, Frank X. Affrilachia. Old Cove Press, 2000.PS3573.A425332 A32 2000
Ager, John Curtis . We plow God's fields: the life of James G. K. McClure. HD1771.5.M38 A73 1991
Arcury, Thomas A. Greater Appalachian Regional Databank (GARD): agricultural change in the Mountain South at the turn of the century. S444.A74 1989
Ash, Stephen V. Meet me at the fair: a pictorial history of the Tennessee Valley Agricultural & Industrial Fair. 1985. T395.5.K6 A83
Barnwell, Tim. The face of Appalachia: portraits from the mountain farm. F217.A65 B38 2003
Beaver, Patricia D. Rural community in the Appalachian south . HN79.N8 B43 1986
Berry, Wendell. The gift of good land. 1981. HD1415.B47
Brehm, Cloide E. Tennessee...facts about soil, climate, rainfall, agriculture, industry, education and other desirable living conditions. 1926. HC107.T2 B73
Clark, Blanche Henry. The Tennessee yeomen, 1840-1860. 1942. HD211.T2 C55
Clark, Thomas Dionysius. Agrarian Kentucky. 1977. F455.C55
Davis, Donald Edward. Homeplace geography: essays for Appalachia. F217.A65 D38 2006
Dunaway, Wilma. The first American frontier: the transition to capitalism in southern Appalachia, 1700-1860. HC107.A127 D86 1996
Duncan, Cynthia M. World's apart: why poverty persists in rural America. HC110.P6 D86 1999
Groover, Mark D. An archaeological study of rural capitalism and material life: the Gibbs farmstead in Southern Appalachia. F443.K6 G76 2003
Hamby, Zetta Barker. Memoirs of Grassy Creek: growing up in the mountains on the Virginia-North Carolina line. F264.G78 H36 1998
Keith, Jeanette. Country people in the New South: Tennessee's upper Cumberland. HN80.D314 1995
Kingsolver, Barbara. Animal, vegetable, miracle: a year of food life. S521.5.A67 K56 2007
Lewis, Ronald L. Transforming the Appalachian countryside: railroads, countryside, and social change in West Virginia. HC107.W5 L39 1998
Tennessee Bureau of Agriculture. First and second reports of the Bureau of Agriculture for the State of Tennessee: introduction to the resources of Tennessee by J. B. Killebrew, assisted by J. M. Safford. 1874. S115.A28
Tennessee Bureau of Agriculture. Hand-book of Tennessee: prepared by A. W. Hawkins ... assisted by Henry E. Colton. HC107.T3 A5 1882
West, Carroll Van. Tennessee agriculture: a century of farms perspective / presented by the Tennessee Department of Agriculture. S451.T2 W47 1986
Winters, Donald L. Tennessee farming, Tennessee farmers: antebellum agriculture in the Upper South. S451.T2 W56 1994
Aikens, Gene. Our mountain craftsmen. 1969. TT139.S74
Alvic, Phyllis. Weavers of the Southern Highlands. TT848 .A716 2003
Barker, Garry. The handcraft revival in Southern Appalachia, 1930-1990 . HD2346.U52 A1273 1991
Bullard, Helen. Crafts and craftsmen of the Tennessee mountains. TT24.T2 K73 1976
Caldwell, Benjamin H. Tennessee silversmiths. NK7112.C35 1988
Eaton, Allen H. Handicrafts of the Southern Highlands. 1937. NK814.E2
George, Phyllis. Kentucky crafts: heartfelt and handmade. 1989. NK835.K4 G46
Goodrich, Frances L. Mountain homespun. 1989 (facsimile, 1931 ed.).TT848.G665
Horwitz, Elinor Lander. Mountain people, mountain crafts. TT23.2.H67 1974
Irwin, John Rice. Baskets and basket makers in Southern Appalachia. 1982.TT879.B3 I78
Jones, Michael Owen. Craftsman of the Cumberlands: tradition and creativity. 1989. NK2715.J57
Kesler, Sally. Weaver's hornbook: tale of what is weaving where. TT848.K47 1949
Lampbell, Ramona and Millard. O, Appalachia: artists of the southern mountains. 1989. NK811.L36 1989
Law, Rachel Nash. Appalachian white oak basketmaking: handing down the basket . TT879.B3 L395 1990
Ramsey, Bets. The quilts of Tennessee: images of domestic life prior to 1930. 1986. NK9112.R36
Schnacke, Dick. American folk toys: how to make them. TT174.S36 1974
Southern Highland Handicraft Guild. Crafts in the Southern Highlands. 1958. NK1410.N5 S5
Stephenson, Sue H. Basketry of the Appalachian mountains. 1977. TT879.B3 S74
Tangerman, E. J. Whittling and woodcarving. NK9704.T36 1962
White, Betsy K. Great Road style: the decorative arts legacy of southwest Virginia and northeast Tennessee. NK1410.V8 W49 2006
Wilson, Kathleen Curtis. Textile art from southern Appalachia: the quiet work of women. TT699.W55 2001
Billings, Dwight B. The road to poverty: the making of wealth and hardship in Appalachia. HC107.A127 B55 2000
Bristol Chamber of Commerce. Stake your claim: Bristol, Virginia-Tennessee. F234.B7 B75 1947
Burns, Shirley Stewart. Bringing down the mountains: the impact of mountaintop removal surface coal mining on Southern West Virginia. HD9547.W4 B87 2007
Dunaway, Wilma. The first American frontier: transition to capitalism in Southern Appalachia, 1700-1860. HC107.A127 D86 1996
Fink, Paul M. Jonesborough, the first century of Tennessee's first town, 1776-1876. F444.J65 F5 1989
Kearfott, Clarence B. Highland Mills. 1970. TJ859.K4
Lay, Elery A. An industrial and commercial history of the Tri-Cities in Tennessee-Virginia. 1982. HC108.B68 L39
Lee, Tom D. Continuity and change in Washington County, Tennessee, 1835-1885: attitudes, elites, and the quest for development. F443.W3 L44 1993
Lee, Tom. The Tennessee-Virginia Tri-cities: urbanization in Appalachia, 1900-1950. HT123.5.A67 L44 2005
Matvey, Joseph J. Regionalism and globalization: essays on Appalachia, globalization, and global computerization. HC107.A127 M388 2005
Peine, John. Sustainable development strategies for communities with tourism-based economies in the Southern Appalachian Highlands. HC107.A127 E5 1990
Phillips, V. N. Bristol, Tennessee-Virginia: a history, 1852-1900 . F44.B8 P5 1992
Resources and enterprises of upper East Tennessee. 1885. F442.1.R47
Stahl, Ray. Greater Johnson City: a pictorial history. F444.J675 1983
Starnes, Richard D. Southern journeys: tourism, history, and culture in the modern south. G155.U6 S64 2003
Wolfe, Margaret Ripley. Kingsport, Tennessee: a planned American city. F444.K5 W65 1987
Bokum, Hermann. The testimony of a refugee from East Tennessee. 1863. E531.B68
Coulter, E. Merton. William G. Brownlow: fighting parson of the southern highlands . 1971. E415.9 B9 C7
Dunaway, Wilma A. Slavery in the American Mountain South. E443.D87 2003
Earnest, John Guilford. All right let them come: the Civil War diary of an East Tennessee Confederate. E579.5 60th .E37 2003
Ellis, Daniel. Thrilling adventures of Daniel Ellis. 1867. E601.E42
Fain, John N. Sanctified trial: the diary of Eliza Rhea Anderson Fain, Eliza Rhea Anderson, 1816-1892. E605.F14 2004
Fisher, Noel C. War at every door: partisan politics and guerilla violence in East Tennessee, 1860-1869. E531.F57 1997
Gordon, Larry. The last Confederate general: John C. Vaughn and his East Tennessee Cavalry. E467.1 .V29 G67 2008
Groce, W. Todd. Mountain rebels: East Tennessee Confederates and the Civil War, 1860-1870. F442.1 G76 1999
Hsiung, David C. A mountaineer in motion: the memoir of Dr. Abraham Jobe, 1817-1906. F444.C26 J63 2009
Humphrey, Steve. " That d--d Brownlow": being a saucy and malicious description of William Gannaway Brownlow. 1978 E415.9 .B9 H85
Inman, Myra. Myra Inman: a diary of the Civil War in East Tennessee, 1845-1914. E605 .I56 2000
Inscoe, John C. The heart of Confederate Appalachia: western North Carolina in the Civil War. E524.I54 2000
Inscoe, John C. Race, war, and remembrance in the Appalachian South. F217.A65 I57 2008
McDonough, James Lee. War in Kentucky: from Shiloh to Perryville. E470.4 .M33 1994
McKnight, Brian Dallas. Contested borderland: the Civil War in Appalachian Kentucky and Virginia. E470.45 .M38 2006
Noe, Kenneth W. The Civil War in Appalachia: collected essays. E469.C583 1997
Phillips, Victor N. Between the states: Bristol, Tennessee/Virginia during the Civil War. F444.B8 P4 1997
Reynolds, Patrick H. I could almost hear the guns: the Battle of Big Creek, November 6, 1863, Hawkins County, Tennessee. E475.9 .R49 1994
Sears, Richard D. Camp Nelson, Kentucky: a Civil War history. F459.C35 S43 2002
Shaffer, John W. Clash of loyalties: a border county in the Civil War. F247.B2 S5 2003
Slap, Andrew. Reconstructing Appalachia: the Civil War's aftermath. F217.A65 R43 2010
Tennessee Civil War Centennial Commission. Chronology of battles, skirmishes, and events in the State of Tennessee. 196_. E531.T46
Tennessee Civil War Centennial Commission. Tennesseans in the Civil War: a military history of Confederate and Union units. 1964. [2 vols.] E579.4 .A53
Tipton, A. Christine. Civil War in the mountains: Greasy Cove, Tennessee. F443.U5 T57 2000
Toms, Gary R. Widows dowers of Washington County, Tennessee 1803-1899. F443.W3 T657 2004
Wright, Marcus Joseph. Tennessee in the War, 1861-1865 . 1908. E531.W95
Burns, Shirley Stewart. Bringing down the mountains: the impact of mountaintop removal surface coal mining on southern West Virginia. HD9547.W4 B87 2007
Condee, William Faricy. Coal and culture: opera houses in Appalachia. PN2273.A66 C66 2005
Cook, Samuel R. Monacans and miners: Native American and coal mining communities in Appalachia. E99.M85 C66 2000
Corbin, David. Life, work, and rebellion in the coal fields. The southern West Virginia miners, 1880-1922. 1981. HD8039.M62 U61775
Eller, Ronald D. Miners, millhands, and mountaineers: industrialization of the Appalachian South. 1880-1930. 1982. HC107.A127 E4
Ewen, Lynda Ann. Which side are you on?: the Brookside Mine strike in Harlan County, Kentucky, 1973-1974. 1979. HD5325.M63
Fetherly, Dale. Mother Jones, the miner's angel: a portrait. 1974. HD8073.J6 F48
Finley, Joseph E. The corrupt kingdom: the rise and fall of the United Mine Workers. 1972. HD6515.M7 U7733
Foner, Philip S. Coal Creek rebellion: East Tennessee miners vs. convict labor system. HD8039.M615 F664 1973.
Green, Archie. Only a miner: studies in recorded coal-mining songs. 1972. ML3780.G74
Hevener, John. Which side are you on? the Harlan County coal miners , 1931-1939. 1978. HD6515.M616 H373
Lane, Winthrop D. Civil War in West Virginia: a story of industrial conflict in the coal mines. HD5325.M62 L34 1969 [reprint., 1921 ed.]
Laslett, John H. M. The United Mine Workers of America: a model for industrial solidarity? HD6515.M616 U5584 1996
Lunt, Richard D. Law and order vs. the miners: West Virginia, 1907-1933. 1992. HD6515.M616 W44
McAteer, J Davitt. Monongah: the tragic story of the worst industrial accident in US history. TN313.M338 2007
Parkinson, George. Guide to coal mining collections in the United States. 1978. Z6738.C6 P37
Patterson, Charles. Paint Creek miner. M1977.M5 P37 1970.
Prescott, E. J. The story of the Virginia Coal and Iron Company, 1882-1945. 1946. TN805.Z6
Reece, Erik. Lost mountain: a year in the vanishing wilderness: radical strip mining and the devastation of Appalachia . TD195.S75 R43 2006
Shifflett, Crandall A. Coal towns: life, work, and culture in company towns of southern Appalachia, 1880-1960. 1991. F217.A65 S54
Shnayerson, Michael. Coal river. TN805.W4 S56 2008
Thesing, William B. Caverns of night: coal mines in art, literature, and film. NX650.C665 C37 2000
Trotter, Joe William. Coal, class, and color: Blacks in southern West Virginia, 1915-32. HD8039.M62 U66943 1990
Wagner, Thomas E. African American miners and migrants: the Eastern Kentucky Social Club. E185.5 .W34 2004
Becker, Jane S. Selling tradition: Appalachia and the construction of an American folk, 1930-1940. F217.A65 B43 1998
Blaustein, Richard. The thistle and the briar: historical links and cultural parallels between Scotland and Appalachia. F217.A65 B58 2003
Burton, Thomas G. Beech Mountain man: the memoirs of Ronda Lee Hicks. GR55.H556 B87 2009
Cavender, Anthony P. A folk medical lexicon of south central Appalachia. 1990. PE2970.A6 F64
Cavender, Anthony P. Folk medicine in southern Appalachia. GR108.15 .C38 2003
Cavender, Anthony P., and Ted Olson. A Tennessee folklore sampler: selections from the Tennessee Folklore Society Bulletin, 1935-2009. GR110.T4 T457 2009
Duncan, Barbara R. Living stories of the Cherokees. E99.C5 L55 1998
Evans, Mari-Lynn. The Appalachians: Americas first and last frontier. F106.A59 2004
Gainer, Patrick W. Witches, ghosts and signs: folklore of the Southern Appalachians. 1975. GR110.W4 W57
Harkness, David James. Indian legends of the southern mountains: a bicentennial publication. 1976. E59.F6 H4
Isbell, Robert. Ray Hicks: master storyteller of the Blue Ridge. F264.B38 178 2001
Kephart, Horace. Our Southern highlanders. F217.A65 K46 1913
Mathes, Charles Hodge. Tall tales from Old Smoky. 1952. GR108.M38
Montell, William Lynwood. Ghosts along the Cumberland: deathlore in the Kentucky foothills. 1975. GR110.K4 M66
Montgomery, Michael. Dictionary of Smoky Mountain English. PE2927.G7 M66 2004
Mooney, James. Myths of the Cherokee; and sacred formulas of the Cherokees. E99.C5 M764 1982
Murray, Kenneth Maynard. Footsteps of the mountain spirits: Appalachia - myths, legends and landscapes of the Southern Highlands. GR108.M870 1992
O'Donnell, Kevin. Seekers of scenery:travel writing from southern Appalachia, 1840-1900. F217.A65 S44 2004
Olson, Ted. Blue Ridge folklife. GR110.V8 O47 1998
Price, Charles Edwin. The infamous Bell Witch of Tennessee. BF1473.B37 P74 1994
Rehder, John B. Appalachian folkways. GR108.R48 2004
Rhea, Carolyn McQueen. Sketches and legends of upper East Tennessee . GR110.T2 R5 1932a
Sheppard, Muriel. Cabins in the laurel. 1935. F210 .S490 1946
Thacker, Larry D. Mountain mysteries: investigating the mystic traditions of Appalachia. GR108.15 T43 2007
Vande Brake, Katherine. How they shine: Melungeon characters in the fiction of Appalachia. PS286.A6 V36 2001
White, Betsy Tice. Mountain folk, mountain food: down-home wisdom, plain tales, and recipe secrets from Appalachia. TX715.W55 1997
Wigginton, Eliot. Foxfire. The nine volumes in this series (1972-1986) are very useful in studying various folklife topics. F291.F62._
Whismant, David E. All that is native and fine: the politics of culture in an American region. F217.A65 W47 1983
Williams, Michael Ann. Great Smoky Mountains folklife. GR108.W585 1995
Anderson, Sherwood. Nearer the grassroots: and an account of a journey--Elizabethton. PS3501.N4 Z47 1929
Billings, Dwight B. Confronting Appalachian stereotypes: back talk from an American region. F210.C66 1999
Borman, Kathryn M. From mountain to metropolis: Appalachian migrants in American cities. F217.A65 F76 1994
Conway, Mimi. Rise gonna rise: a portrait of Southern textile workers. 1979. HD8039.T42 U642
Dunaway, Wilma. The first American frontier: transition to capitalism in southern Appalachia, 1700-1860. HC107.A127 D86 1996
Eller, Ronald D. Miners, millhands, and mountaineers: industrialization of the Appalachian South, 1880-1930. HC107.A127 E4 1982
Fisher, Stephen L. Fighting back in Appalachia: traditions of resistance and change. HN79.A127 F54 1993
Fones-Wolf, Ken. Glass towns: industry, labor and political economy in Appalachia. HD9623.U46 A645 2007
Gaventa, John. Communities in economic crisis: Appalachia and the South. HC107.A127 C65 1990
Lee, Tom. The Tennessee-Virginia Tri-cities: urbanization in Appalachia, 1900-1950. HT123.5.A67 L44 2005
Lewis, Helen Matthews. Attitudes of selected zinc miners and their wives in East Tennessee. HD9539.Z51 T44 1968
Mooney, Jack. Printers in Appalachia: the International Printing Pressmen and Assistants Union of North America. 1907-1967. Z243.U5 .M66 1993
Petro, Sylvester. The Kingsport strike. 1967. HD5325.P92 1963 .K53
Puckett, Anita. Seldom ask, never tell: labor and discourse in Appalachia. HN79.A127 P83 2000
Salstrom, Paul. Appalachia's path to dependency: rethinking a region's economic history, 1730-1940. HC107.A127 S24 1994
Virginia Employment Commission and Bristol (Va.) Chamber of Commerce. Labor supply survey of Bristol, Virginia-Tennessee. HD5726.B8 V82 1964
West, Don. Songs for Southern workers: 1937 songbook of the Kentucky Workers Alliance. 1973. PN6110.L15 W4
Widick, B. J. Labor today; the triumphs and failures of unionism in the United States. 1964. HD6508.W48
Binnicker, Margaret Duncan. Erwin, Tennessee: transformation of work and place in an Appalachian community. 1900-1960. F443.U5 B56 1999a
Bohannon, Teresa Thomas. The ladies and their library: the history of the Johnson City, Tennessee Public Library as revealed through the Monday Club archives. Thesis B634l 1998
Calhoun, Ross. Lost heritage: the people of old Butler, Tennessee, and the Watauga Valley: a documentary of the communities, institutions, and families displaced or otherwise affected by the Tennessee Valley Authority Watauga Reservoir. F444.B87 C35 1998
Campbell, James L. >North American Rayon Corporation: a company history as told by the reporters and editors of the Watauga Spinnerette. HD9929.5 .R34 N67 1999
Cox, Bob L. Remembering Johnson City. F444.J67 C69 2008
Depew, Michael. Old Butler. F444.B89 D47 2005
Hardy, Michael C. A short history of old Watauga County. F262.W34 H37 2005
Haskins, Sonya A. Johnson City. F444.J67 H37 2005
Henderson-Alexander, Mary. Black life in Johnson City, Tennessee 1856-1965: a historical chronology. Thesis Henderson-Alexander 2001
>History of Washington County Tennessee: a contribution to the bicentennial celebration of Tennessee. F443.W3 H568 2001
Laughlin, Jennifer Bauer. Roan Mountain: a passage of time. F262.R39 W55 1999
Lee, Tom. The Tennessee-Virginia Tri-cities: urbanization in Appalachia, 1900-1950. HT123.5.A67 L44 2005
Patrick, Sherman L. The desegregation of the Kingsport City School System. Thesis P275d 1997
Stevens, Mark A. Unicoi County. F443.U5 S74 2008
Stone, George. Bristol. F444.B8 S75 2008
Taylor, Gary Alan. A history of the Navy V-12 program at Milligan College, July 1, 1943-June 30, 1945. Thesis Taylor 2000
Ayres, Horace Beemer. The southern Appalachian forests. SD144.A15 A96 1905
Billings, Dwight B. The road to poverty: the making of wealth and hardship in Appalachia. HC107.A127 B55 2000
Buxton, Barry M. The great forest: an Appalachian story. 1985. SD144.A15 G74
Clarkson, Roy B. Tumult on the mountains: lumbering in West Virginia, 1770-1920. 1964. SD538.C63
Davis, Richard C. North American forest history: a guide to archives and manuscripts in the United States and Canada . Z5991.D33
Eller, Ronald D. Miners, millhands, and mountaineers: industrialization of the Appalachian South, 1889-1930. 1982. HC107.A127 E4
Hale, Peter M. The woods and timbers of North Carolina... 1883. QK484.N8 H2
Hardt, Richard Alan. Characterization of growth forests in the southern Appalachian region of the United States and implications for their management. SD387.O43 H37 1993a
Headrick, Leslie Mowitt. A peace-time army: the Tennessee Valley Authority-Civilian Conservation Corps, 1933-1942. S932.T2 H43 1983
Horn, Stanley F. This fascinating lumber business. 1951. HD9755.H6
Irwin, Hugh. Tennessee's mountain treasures: the unprotected wildlands of the Cherokee National Forest. SD428.C42 I78 1996
Lewis, Ronald L. Transforming the Appalachian countryside: railroads, countryside, and social change in West Virginia. HC107.W5 L39 1998
Minick, Jim. Finding a clear path. QH105.V8 M53 2005
Morton, Peter A. Charting a new course: national forests in the southern Appalachians. vol. 5 of The Living Landscape. SD427.E35 M67 1994
Pomeroy, Kenneth. North Carolina lands: ownership, use and management of forest and related lands . 1964. HD211.N8 P6
Reedy, Dennis. The W. M. Ritter Lumber Company family history book. 1983. HD9759.R5 R43
Ritter, W. M., Lumber Company. The romance of Appalachian hardwood lumber; 1890--fifty years of service--1940. 1940. HD9759.R5
Schenck, Carl Alvin. The birth of forestry in America: Biltmore Forest School, 1898-1913. 1974. SD129.S3 A3 1974
The southern Appalachian assessment/prepared by federal and state agencies. coordinated through Southern Appalachian Man and the Biosphere Cooperative. vol. 5, Terrestrial Technical Report. QH541.5.M65 S68 1996
Stephenson, Steven L. Upland forests of West Virginia. SD144.W4 1993
United States Bureau of Agricultural Economics, Bureau of Home Economics, and the Forest Service. Economic and social conditions of the southern Appalachians. HC107.A127 E36 1935
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