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How to Write an Academic Abstract

Learn how to write an academic abstract in a simple, straightforward way

Computing Example

SOURCE (IEEE FORMAT): B. E. Granger and F. Perez, “JuPyter: Thinking and storytelling with code and data,” Computing in Science & Engineering, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 7–14, Mar. 2021, doi: 10.1109/mcse.2021.3059263.

Nursing Example

SOURCE (APA Format):  Alameda-Cuesta, A., Blanco-Fuente, I., Bonilla-Campos, A., Casado-Aparicio, E., Domínguez-Castillo, M. P., García-Dauder, D., ... & Romero-Bachiller, C. (2024). “Nursing (Her) Storytelling”: An Ethnographic Fiction Proposal for Exploring Feminist Health Activism in Spain. Advances in Nursing Science, 47(1), 29-42.

Public Health Example

(Note the slightly different format here.  Be sure to verify the expected format for abstracts in the conference, journal, or class that's requiring you to write one). 


SOURCE (APA Format): McCall, B., Shallcross, L., Wilson, M., Fuller, C., & Hayward, A. (2021). Storytelling as a research tool used to explore insights and as an intervention in public health: a systematic narrative review. International journal of public health, 66, 1604262.