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Rooms and Spaces

Assigned Graduate Student Study

Sherrod Library's four Assigned Graduate Study Rooms are reserved for use by graduate students enrolled in the writing phase of their thesis/dissertation, where access to library collections and services supports their research.

The term of assignment will be for one semester. Applicants must complete an Assigned Graduate Study Room Lottery Application. Assignees to the four available rooms will be chosen by lottery. Lottery applications will be accepted the first week of the semester. Applicants awarded an assignment will be notified the start of the second full week of the semester.

The dates for application availability are:

  • Fall 2024: August 19th - September 3rd
  • Spring 2025: January 13th - January 28th

Keys are due on the last day of classes. You will be notified one week prior to the last day of classes that the key must be returned to the Library Administration office. All items must be removed from the room.

Use Policy

  • Assigned Graduate Study Rooms may only be used during the hours that the library is open.
  • Keys and access to Assigned Graduate Study Rooms are not transferable.
  • Please keep noise to a minimum. Assigned Graduate Study Rooms are intended for individual study and research.
  • Library staff will enter Assigned Graduate Study Rooms periodically to check on the room condition and contents.
  • All library materials in Assigned Graduate Study Rooms must be checked out or they may be removed and reshelved.
  • The condition of an Assigned Graduate Study Room is the responsibility of the person to whom the room is assigned. Do not tape items to walls. Clean up and report spills and accidents to the Ask Us desk at (423) 439-4307 or or to 4th floor Library Administration at (423) 439-5222 or
  • Do not leave any valuable items in Assigned Graduate Study Rooms. Your personal property is your responsibility.
  • Appliances are not allowed in Assigned Graduate Study Rooms. No candles, incense, vaping, smoking, or open flames of any kind are permitted in the library. If any of these items are used the library will revoke study room privileges.
  • Doors on Assigned Graduate Study Rooms lock automatically. Be sure to take your key when you leave the room! If you are locked out, you may come to the Library Administration office located on the 4th floor to regain access. The Library Administration office is open 8:00am-4:30pm Monday-Friday. These are the only times you can regain access to the room.
  • Exit Assigned Graduate Study Rooms and the library immediately whenever building emergency and closing announcements are made.

Questions? Contact Us

Library Administration, Room 417

Phone: 423-439-4337