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Sherrod Library Student Employee Scholarships

Undergraduate students and graduate assistants (GAs) employed by the Sherrod Library for at least one full semester can 

apply for the Undergraduate Student Worker Scholarship or

apply for the Outstanding Graduate Assistant (GA) Scholarship

offered annually in the Spring semester. Each scholarship is funded by the generosity of donors. 

Scholarship Awards​

  • Each scholarship award is $500 for one semester and is directly deposited into the student's account using their payroll ID.

  • Scholarship winners are expected to attend the Scholarship Award Celebration in April to accept their award.

  • Scholarship winners agree to allow their essay and likeness to be used in library publicity about the scholarship program.


To be eligible for a scholarship, the student employee must be

  • an undergraduate | graduate student,  currently enrolled at ETSU, with a current grade point average (GPA) at or above 3.0;
  • employed by Sherrod Library for at least one full semester before applying; and
  • currently employed by the Sherrod Library at the time of the award.

Eligible students may apply for the scholarship every year they work for the library. 

Application Guidelines & Instructions

To apply, a student employee must

  1. Ask their library supervisor to complete the supervisor evaluation form for their scholarship application. (This form link will be sent to all Sherrod Library student employee supervisors by the Sherrod Library Scholarship Committee).
  2. Complete the application form, including a
  • current academic transcript (unofficial transcript or printed copy of online record is acceptable) and a
  • 300-500 word essay, in the form of a Microsoft Word document, addressing the question:
How has working at Sherrod Library contributed to your success as a student?
Essays will be evaluated on originality, creativity, and enthusiasm as well as quality of writing.

 All of the items listed above must be submitted before the application will be considered.  


Specific dates for 2024 are:

  • Applications due March 10, 2025
  • Supervisor evaluation forms due March 20, 2025
  • All applicants are notified by April 1, 2025
  • Scholarship winners are recognized at the Scholarship Award Celebration in April 2025

Review Process

  • Scholarship applications will be reviewed by the Sherrod Library Scholarship Committee.  Members of the Committee are appointed by the Dean of University Libraries. 
  • Direct supervisors of student employees will not review applications of their own student employees. 
  • The committee’s recommendations are forwarded to the Dean of the University Libraries who will make the final decision.


Contact Jonathan Wilson ( 

Current Student Employee Scholarship Recipients

Caroline Clark

Outstanding Student Employee

Jarrett McGill

Outstanding Graduate Assistant

Joseph Mora

Outstanding Student Employee

Tyler Nichols

Outstanding Graduate Assistant

Nathan Turner

Outstanding Student Employee

Past Student Employee Scholarship Recipients