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Resources in Sustainability

East Tennessee


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Go Green With Us

Go Green With Us is a state-level initiative that encourages the patrons and custodians of state parks to be better stewards of state resources. 

Keep Tennessee Beautiful

A state-level affiliate of Keep America Beautiful, Keep Tennessee Beautiful is an organization that seeks to protect the state's natural beauty through volunteer work and educational outreach.

Nobody Trashes Tennessee

Nobody Trashes Tennessee is a movement that seeks to clear litter from Tennessee roadways, and prevent further litter from accumulating. For information on how you can get involved, click here.

Office of Sustainable Practices

Tennessee's Office of Sustainable Practices provides guidance to businesses and communities across the state. This office sponsors many of the sustainability programs offered within the state of Tennessee.

Sustainable Tennessee

A product of the Tennessee Environmental Council, Sustainable Tennessee has two current projects, Recycle Tennessee and Come, Post Your Compost.

Tennessee Composting Council

The Tennessee Composting Council was founded in 2021 with the goal of changing the way we think about waste. Their mission is to divert as much waste from landfills as possible, and they advocate for this via educational outreach, lobbying, and events.

Tennessee Environmental Council

The Tennessee Environmental Council has been an advocate for the environmental health of Tennessee for over fifty years. For more information about their mission and past accomplishments, click here.

Tennessee Valley Authority Sustainability Report

The TVA annually generates a report on sustainability. To view it, click here.