ETSU has required electronic publication of graduate theses and dissertations since January, 2001.
The majority of ETSU electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) are available online without restriction from Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University.

Before January, 2001, ETSU theses and dissertations were published in print. This print collection is located on the 3rd floor, just inside the entrance to the book collections and study area.
Theses are shelved alphabetically by the author's last name.
Archival copies of all ETSU theses and dissertations are available on microfilm in the University Archives, part of the Archives of Appalachia, located on the 4th floor of the Sherrod Library.
ETSU Master's theses published since 2000 and Doctoral dissertations published since 1972 are available online from ProQuest to current ETSU students, faculty, and staff.