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Open and Affordable Course Materials


The Open and Affordable (OA) Advisory Council provides advice and support to Charles C. Sherrod Library and Center for Teaching Excellence regarding their Open and Affordable Course Materials Initiatives. Examples of initiatives include workshops and other events, awards program, and etextbooks reserves program. Council activities include but are not limited to:

  • Providing feedback and ideas for current and potential OA activities organized by Sherrod Library and CTE
  • Discussing current OA issues affecting the ETSU campus and brainstorming solutions
  • Sharing information with and gathering feedback from peers on OA issues and initiatives


OA Advisory Council will meet at least twice each fall and spring semester. There will be no meetings during the summer given the schedules of faculty and students. However, members may be emailed for feedback on immediate concerns (knowing that members may be unavailable).


  • Co-Chair, Assistant Director, CTE
  • Co-Chair, Digital Scholarship Librarian, Sherrod Library
  • Member, Electronic Resources Librarian, Sherrod Library
  • Member, Resource Sharing and Acquisitions Librarian, Sherrod Library
  • Member, Representative from Faculty Senate
  • 3 Members, Representatives from Faculty At-Large
  • Member, Representative from SGA
  • 3 Members, Representatives from Students At-Large

Faculty committee members will serve a two-year academic term (August through July). For the inaugural year of meetings, half of the faculty will have a one-year term in order to have a mixture of new and experienced members in subsequent years. Student committee members will serve a one-year academic term (August through July). Students committee members may re-commit for a second one year term.

Not every college will be represented. However, colleges should not have more than one faculty representative and one student representative on the council.


Please email with any questions or requests.

Student Nomination Form

Please complete this form if you want to be on the committee during the AY 2023-2024 year.