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Sherrod Library News

Celebrating Women Veterans Day

by Sarah Bull on 2024-06-11T14:57:31-04:00 | 0 Comments

June 12, 2024 is Women Veterans Day and to celebrate the occasion the Sherrod Library's Government Information specialist, Paul Nease, created a display which can be found in the first floor stairwell. This display features books, pamphlets, and other educational materials related to women in the military, as well as many photos of female veterans both local and related to library employees. Several of these photos were sourced from The Warrior’s Canvas & Veterans Art Center, a nonprofit organization which can be found in downtown Johnson City. "The collaboration happened organically. As I was spreading the word around campus that people could submit photos of the women veterans in their life, the folks at Warrior’s Canvas heard about it and reached out to me." Nease explained. "Being able to collaborate with organizations on and off campus to help support our local community is something we are always looking to do and Warrior's Canvas was really integral in helping pull everything together. I think it was a meaningful process for all involved and I hope this brings more recognition to all the women in our area that served and are serving in our military."

This display marked the first time the Sherrod Library honored Women Veterans Day, but Nease hopes this will open the door to future collaborations and celebrations. Stop in throughout the month of June to view this display, and to honor those that served.

For more information on the Warrior’s Canvas please visit

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