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The New Graduate Student's Survival Guide

This guide contains a selection of resources for graduate students new to the ETSU area

Physical Health

Health care and insurance in the U.S. are managed differently than in other countries. Below are some resources close to ETSU.

  • If you feel ill or have other health concerns, begin with the University Health Center.
  • If the University Health Center is closed, urgent care centers are open nights and weekends for non-critical conditions. Fast Pace Health Clinic is the closest urgent care walk-in center close to ETSU. You do not need an appointment, but urgent care centers may expect payment at the time of service.
  • For true emergencies, the main hospital near ETSU is the Johnson City Medical Center on State of Franklin Road.
  • In the case of a true emergency, dialing 911 will bring ambulance/police/fire services. However, these are expensive and should be used only in genuine emergencies and not as a simple means of transportation. 

University Health Center

Fast Pace Health Clinic

Johnson City Medical Center


For pharmacy services, Kroger (grocery store) and West Towne Pharmacy are close to campus. Walgreens and Walmart are on the Johnson City Transit bus line.  

For glasses and vision services, the nearest eye doctor is in the Walmart on West Market Street. 

ETSU's Dental Hygiene Program provides a Dental Clinic for routine services.


West Towne Pharmacy



ETSU Dental Clinic

Mental Health

The ETSU Counseling Center is located in the Culp Student Center and has different options available for meeting with students. 

The Center also maintains a helpline for students, which is (423) 439-4841, option 2. 

ETSU Counseling Center