Getting Started with Mendeley

Create and Use Groups


Groups allow you to collaborate with others within Mendeley.

Types of Groups

  • Open: An open group will allow anyone to contribute, become a member, or follow.
  • Invite-Only: This group will allow you to share references, but not files, and can be viewed publicly.
  • Private: Private groups allow you to share files and annotations between members. These groups are not visible to others outside the private group. The free version of Mendeley allows you to create one private group and invite two members.

You can follow your groups using the Mendeley Web Dashboard.

When viewing a group in Mendeley Desktop or Web, use the Documents Papers tab to view the shared references, and the Members tab to view or invite members.


Your Mendeley Profile

Create your profile

Make sure to complete your personal profile. This makes you more visible to other users and can help make new contacts via Mendeley’s social networking features.

Your Mendeley profile is similar to a social networking profile, except that it focuses on your research and scholarship. Completing your profile helps you connect with others and promote your work.

You can add papers you've authored to the My Publications folder in your Library in Mendeley Desktop or Web.

My Publications

You can also connect your ORCID ID to your Mendeley profile.