We are available to questions on scholarly communication and publishing topics including digital preservation, copyright, author rights, research impact, open access, etc. Below are some helpful links to get you started.
Choosing a Journal
Sherrod Library can help you with choosing the places to publish your research as well as avoiding predatory journals.
Think. Check. Submit. provides information on how to identify legitimate journals so you can avoid predatory journals.
Ulrichsweb is a library database that provides information on journals
Sherrod Library can help you navigate copyright as you publish. When you publish, you have to pay attention to copyright so you know what you can legally do with your work before, during, and after publication.
SPARC Author Rights Guide and Author Addendum provides an overview of author rights as well as an appendum authors can use to protect their copyright through the publication process.
SherpaRomeo is a database of journal copyright information, specifically what version of your manuscript you can share publically.
Research Impact Metrics
Sherrod Library can help you measure the impact of your research for reports such as tenure and promotion dossiers.
Journal-level impact metrics (e.g. h-5 index, impact factor) are available free through Google Scholarand Scopus. ETSU does not subscribe to Clarivate's Journal Citations Reports where you can find Impact Factors.