The purpose of Digital Commons@ETSU [the “repository”] is to showcase the scholarship of its faculty and students and to preserve the scholarly record of those activities. The repository sponsors eJournals and eConferences provided:
(1) The journal or conference is sponsored by ETSU
(2) The journal or conference is sponsored by an organization:
- whose mission is related to ETSU academic programs;
- whose members include ETSU faculty in leadership roles such as editor, co-editor, program chair;
- that does not provide its own platform to manage, preserve, and provide access to content;
- that agrees to publish materials in Digital Commons as long as they are using the services.
Materials are published as open access by default. Exceptions (e.g. embargos, restricted to ETSU campus) will need to be negotiated.
We request that journals and conferences assign to ETSU a non-exclusive, perpetual license to distribute the materials from the repository and to make it available to the public in any format in perpetuity for published content in Digital Commons@ETSU.