Given annually by the Tennessee Library Association, the Honor Award “recognizes any person or group who has made a significant contribution to the furtherance of librarianship on a statewide or national level.” Dr. Wendy Doucette is the 2023 recipient of the TLA Honor Award.
Dr. Doucette has been a keynote speaker for Amigos Library Services; a recruited speaker for NEFLIN and Kennesaw State University; and has presented nationally for ACRL, ALA, GICOIL, USETDA, TLGS, and CALM, among others.
Since 2019, Dr. Doucette has organized and hosted the Transforming Libraries for Graduate Students Conference (TLGS). A national conference in 2018 and 2020, this biennial conference dedicated to graduate librarianship became an international conference in 2022 and is the sole dedicated conference for this library community. The conference was accorded a special category in the 2022 ACRL ALSGS Listing of Notable Works.
In 2022, Dr. Doucette co-founded the peer-reviewed, open-source Journal of Graduate Librarianship (JGL) and serves as Editor-in-Chief. Written, edited, and governed by library practitioners who work with graduate students, faculty, and programs, JGL is the first scholarly journal dedicated exclusively to matters pertaining to graduate librarianship.
Thanks to Rebecca Tolley for contributing this summary of Dr. Doucette's accomplishments.