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Library Resources in D2L

What is the Course Reserves Tool?

The Course Reserves Tool will display all resources selected by the instructor for their course. 

Two Options:

  • Link to an Individual E-Reserves Item  
  • Display all E-Reserves via the Library Widget Tool

Link to an Individual E-Reserve Item

If you want to link direct to an individual E-Reserves item, simply copy the URL provided from the E-Reserves course page:

  1. Go to
  2. Select the appropriate course.
  3. Click on the item you wish to use.

Copy the URL provided on the following screen: 

This URL is ready for off-campus use. No additional formatting is required. 

Note: When adding a E-Reserves link in your D2L site, be sure to check Open As External Resource:

How to Display E-Reserves via the Library Widget Tool

The Library Widget tool offers a way to display a complete list of your course E-Reserves integrated inside your D2L site. The list will automatically update if we add or remove resouces from our E-Reserves page. 


  1. While inside the module you wish for the link to appear, choose External Learning Tools under the Add Existing Activities drop-down.
    Add existing activities in D2L
  2. Choose Library Widgets
    Add Library Widgets
  3. A new item labeled Library Widgets will appear in your module. Click on the title.
    Library Widgets
  4. You will see a LibApps Library Content Selection screen. You will need to select Course Page as the content type. A course dropdown will then populate will all available courses. If you don't see your course or need to add it to the list, please contact

  5. Select Embed Content 
  6. You will see a message indicating "Success! The content selection for your LTI tool has been saved."
  7. Press F5 on your keyboard to refresh your browser window. 
  8. You will return back to the Content Selection Screen. Choose View Content to see what your students will see, or you can edit your selection by clicking Edit Selection

    NOTE: Students will not see the LibApps Library Content Selection screen. They will be automatically directed to the content. 
  9. You can return to your content module and rename the widget
    renaming content
  10. This process can be repeated for other library content items. 

Course Reserves Links