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Strategy, Planning, Budget

Sherrod Library: E-Scooters and Micro-Mobility Devices Policy

Safety remains a top priority at East Tennessee State University for students, faculty, and staff. 


Personal transportation devices: Any device used for human transportation that does not require a license to operate. These devices include scooters, skateboards, longboards, hoverboards, Segways, skates, rollerblades, and bicycles. 

Mobility aids or devices: Any aid or device used to support medical conditions and aid mobility, such as wheelchairs, walkers, and knee walkers. 


Skates, skateboards, and rollerblades must be carried into the Charles C. Sherrod Library. They may not be ridden or wheeled inside. The library does not have a designated place to store these items inside, so they must remain with the student and be placed out of the aisles, inside backpacks, or fully stowed away under a table or inside a study room/cubicle/pod the student is currently occupying or using. 

Motorized conveyances such as e-scooters and e-bikes are prohibited in the library building. This includes segways, hoverboards, and self-balancing scooters. They must be parked or secured outside the library and should not impede pedestrian traffic. 

Bicycles are strictly prohibited inside the building. Bicycles and similar transportive devices may be stored in the designated bike rack areas near the library facility. 


Wheelchairs and other ADA-related mobility aids or devices are excluded from this policy.  


Contact Information

Library Administration

Sherrod Library Room 417

Phone: (423) 439-4337


Hours: 8:00 am-4:30 pm Monday - Friday

Map showing location of Library Administration