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Strategy, Planning, Budget

Personal Belongings

  • Sherrod Library is not responsible for the security of personal items brought in to the building. Library users are expected to keep their belongings, especially valuables such as cell phones, tablets and laptops, within their sight at all times. We take no responsibility for materials lost, stolen or damaged.
  • Unclaimed items in the lost and found are disposed of at the end of the semester.

Lost Something?

Ask at the Ask Us Desk on the first floor.

Phone: 423-439-4307


Most items are transferred to the University Lost and Found after a brief period. Contact the Information Desk on the second floor of the Culp Center.

Phone: 423-439-INFO (4636)

Hours: 8:00 am - 9:00 pm

Valuable items, such as laptops, tablets, etc., are immediately turned over to the Public Safety Office.

Phone: 423-439-4480